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[Speech/Voice recognition/combinesvlib_pc

Description: This class library contains more than 20 classes including feature extraction algorithms (MFCC, LPCC) and modeling techniques (HMM, GMM, DTW, VQ ) for automatic speech recognition and speaker verification
Platform: | Size: 1405952 | Author: 站长 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combine6586Project

Description: Speaker verification system
Platform: | Size: 252928 | Author: 陈玉德 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinespeaker

Description: 说话人识别和确认系统,(Matlab)-speaker identification and verification systems, (Matlab)
Platform: | Size: 229376 | Author: gogodq | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinesvlib

Description: Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library, including commonly used feature extraction algorithms and modeling techniques for speech recognition and speaker verification. -Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library. including commonly used feature extraction al gorithms and modeling techniques for re speech cognition and speaker verification.
Platform: | Size: 1126400 | Author: 原琴 | Hits:

[DSP programFIR123

Description: 1.利用Matlab进行产生频率为1000Hz和6000Hz的正弦信号,利用FDATOOL设计FIR滤波器(fs=16000Hz),以滤波6000Hz分量,并利用SPTOOL工具对信号滤波进行仿真与验证。 2.从MIC端口(J5)输入频率为1000Hz和6000Hz正弦信号的叠加信号,编写实时FIR滤波程序,选择合适的滤波器参数,滤除6000Hz的频率分量,利用示波器在SPEAKER端口(J6)观察输出波形。分析信号的频谱结构,设计满足要求的数字滤波器,-1. The use of Matlab have 1000Hz frequency of 6000Hz, and the sinusoidal signal, use FDATOOL design FIR filter (fs = 16000Hz) 6000Hz to filter components, and use SPTOOL right signal filtering tools for simulation and verification. 2. MIC from the port (J5) input frequency of 1000Hz and 6000Hz sinusoidal signal superimposed signal Real-time preparation of FIR filtering process to select an appropriate filter parameters, filter 6000Hz frequency components, SPEAKER oscilloscope using the port (J6) to observe the output waveform. Spectrum Signal Analysis of the structure and design meet the requirements of the digital filter.
Platform: | Size: 196608 | Author: | Hits:

[Graph Recognizespeakerrecongnizion

Description: 与文本有关的利用模块匹配算法的说话人确认系统-text and the use of the matching algorithm module Speaker Verification System
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: 石头 | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinespeakerVerifySourceCode

Description: 在Visual studio 2005下用C#开发的说话人确认(speaker verification)实现。 包括三部分: 1、VoicePrintExistenceCheck - 检查是否存在某用户ID的声音指纹 2、SpeakerVerifyTextDependRegister - 如果不存在,则将其注册到系统中(可以通过语音文件,也可以直接通过麦克风直接输入语音)。 3、SpeakerVerifyTextDependVerify - 确认一个测试样例是否和用户的声音指纹相匹配。 源代码包含如下几个部分: * speakerVerify.* - 本项目的工程文件(用于测试) * SpeakerRecognitionActivityLib - 说话人确认的各个步骤的源代码(共12个C#源代码文件)。 * DictationActivitySpeechFX - 使用System.Speech编写的dictation功能(DictationActivity.cs,DictationActivity.Designer.cs)。 * DictationActivitySapi51 - 使用SAPI5.1编写的dictation功能(DictationActivitySapi.cs,DictationActivitySapi.Designer.cs)。 还有其他项目运行所需的源代码和配置文件等。
Platform: | Size: 103424 | Author: 杨小伟 | Hits:


Description: Speaker Verification Toolbox
Platform: | Size: 81920 | Author: jjcoal | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinetext

Description: 在MATLAB环境下实现基于矢量量化的说话人识别系统。在实时录音的情况下,利用该语音识别系统,对不同的人的语音进行辨识。实现与文本无关的自动说话人确认的实时识别。-In the MATLAB environment VQ-based Speaker Recognition System. In real-time recording, the use of the voice recognition system, for different people to carry out voice recognition. Implementation of automatic text-independent speaker verification of real-time identification.
Platform: | Size: 36864 | Author: candy | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineSpeakerRecognition

Description: Speaker Recognition by training GMM models for the speakers in the system. Also tells if there s an impostor in the system.
Platform: | Size: 560128 | Author: sam | Hits:


Description: 这个是用Matlab写成的说话人识别演示程序。-Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library, including commonly used feature extraction algorithms and modeling techniques for speech recognition and speaker verification.-Currently, there are more than 20 classes in this library. including commonly used feature extraction al gorithms and modeling techniques for re speech cognition and speaker verification.
Platform: | Size: 2451456 | Author: liximin | Hits:

[Post-TeleCom sofeware systemsSpkId_ResearchLab

Description: Embedded Windows CE Speaker Verification Developers Kit is your compact biometric security solution for development of speaker verification systems at electronics level. The design is based on ISIP ASR and is Ported to Windows CE/Pocket PC/Smart Phone/ Symbian OS for Nokia Series 80 and above
Platform: | Size: 4845568 | Author: David | Hits:

[DSP programspeaker_verification

Description: Speaker verification codes
Platform: | Size: 18432 | Author: ak | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineimp_ica

Description: code for speaker recognition using independent component analysis
Platform: | Size: 809984 | Author: tahir | Hits:

[Graph Recognizespeaker

Description: 这个一个使用matlab编的说话人识别和确认系统-The matlab code that uses speaker identification and verification system
Platform: | Size: 229376 | Author: ZAOJIA | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineArticles

Description: these documents are about speaker verification
Platform: | Size: 3821568 | Author: nassim | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combinemodel-for-speaker-verification

Description: 说话人识别 语音识别的相关书籍 描述了信道补偿算法-Speaker recognition speech recognition books describe the channel compensation algorithm
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: | Hits:


Description: Advances in SVM-Based System Using GMM Super Vectors for Text-Independent Speaker Verification
Platform: | Size: 129024 | Author: HOU | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineGMM-Speaker-Verification-System

Description: 嵌入式基于GMM说话人确认系统的研究.pdf-Embedded-based GMM Speaker Verification System
Platform: | Size: 290816 | Author: Jianjun | Hits:


Description: 使用3d卷积神经网络对说话人身份进行识别(Using 3D Convolutional Neural Networks for Speaker Verification)
Platform: | Size: 11550720 | Author: hihejiu | Hits:
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